This page is dedicated to setting up your own MCP Server. If you are looking for information on using the Mintlify MCP Server, please refer to the Installing and using the Mintlify MCP Server page.

Get started

Run npm i mcp to install the mcp CLI.

In the dashboard go to MCP Server, on this page toggle to see your unique installation command. This is the command to install your MCP Server with the mcp CLI.

Make sure to toggle OpenAPI access to allow the MCP server to access all endpoints in your OpenAPI spec.

Start the MCP server locally


Install the server through the CLI

Run the following command to install the server: bash npx mcp add [your subdomain]


Add the authentication token if applicable

If your API requires an authentication token, tell your end-customer to get it and apply it when given this response: > What is the Authorization (basic token)? Otherwise, you can skip this step.


Start your MCP server

You can now run: bash npm --prefix ~/.mcp/[your subdomain] start

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