
Welcome to Mintlify! This guide will walk you through the essential steps to create, deploy, and customize your documentation. Follow these instructions to get your docs up and running in minutes.

Initial Setup

Setting Up Your Repository


Choose Your Setup Method

You have two options to get started:


Install GitHub Integration

The GitHub app ensures automatic deployment of your documentation updates.

  1. Go to dashboard settings
  2. Find the GitHub app installation link
  3. Complete the installation process
  4. Verify successful integration (look for the checkmark next to your commit hash)

Monorepo Configuration

If you prefer keeping your docs alongside your code, Mintlify supports monorepo setups.


Move Documentation

Transfer your docs content into your monorepo structure


Update Configuration

Specify your docs.json path in the dashboard settings

Content Management

Local Development Setup


Install Prerequisites

  1. Install git
  2. Set up SSH keys for GitHub

Clone and Configure

  1. Clone your repository: git clone <your-repo>
  2. Open the repository in your preferred IDE
  3. Install Mintlify CLI: npm i -g mintlify

For detailed instructions on local development, check our development guide.

Web Editor

For those who prefer a browser-based editing experience, we offer a powerful web editor. Learn more in our web editor guide.

Brand Customization

Customize your documentation’s appearance through the docs.json configuration file:

  "name": "Your Company",
  "logo": {
    "light": "/logo/light.svg",
    "dark": "/logo/dark.svg",
    "href": "https://yourcompany.com"
  "favicon": "/favicon.svg",
  "colors": {
    "primary": "#2AB673",
    "light": "#55D799",
    "dark": "#117866"

Find all available configuration options in our global settings guide.

Creating Content

Add new pages using MDX files with this basic structure:

title: "Page Title"
sidebarTitle: "Sidebar title (optional)"
description: "Subtitle (optional)"

Explore our guides on MDX syntax and components to enhance your content.

API Documentation

Setting Up API References


Prepare OpenAPI Document

Add your OpenAPI specification file (openapi.yaml or openapi.json) to your repository, or specify a URL in docs.json:

  "openapi": "link-to-your-openapi-file"

Generate Documentation

Use our scraper to create endpoint files:

npx @mintlify/scraping@latest openapi-file <path-or-url-to-openapi-file>

Update Navigation

Include the generated MDX files in your docs.json navigation structure

For detailed API documentation setup, see our guides on OpenAPI setup and authentication.

Analytics and Tracking

Monitor your documentation’s performance through:

  • Built-in analytics dashboard
  • Page view tracking
  • Search analytics
  • Session recordings

Access these features in your dashboard.

We support various third-party analytics integrations. See our analytics integrations guide.

Domain Configuration

Custom Domain Setup


Access Settings

Navigate to dashboard settings


Add Domain

Configure your custom domain in the domains section

Ensure your DNS settings are properly configured after adding your custom domain.

Additional Support

Enterprise customers can access our white-glove migration service. Contact sales@mintlify.com for details.

Need help or want to provide feedback?