Enabling Data Privacy Integrations

You can add data privacy platforms onto your docs. Add the integrations field into your docs.json file with your respective scripts.

  "integrations": {
    "osano": "SOURCE"

If you’d like to request a data privacy platform integration, please let us know in our community.

If you need to check if a user has already consented to cookies for GDPR compliance, you can specify a local storage key and value under cookies:

  "integrations": {
    "cookies": {
      "key": "LOCAL STORAGE KEY",
      "value": "LOCAL STORAGE VALUE"

If these values are set, local storage will be checked to see if the user has consented to cookies. If they have not, telemetry will be disabled.

If you’d like to disable telemetry for all users, you can add the following to your docs.json file:

  "integrations": {
    "telemetry": {
      "enabled": false

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